Honeit Wins Recruitment Startup of the Year

Honeit Wins Recruitment Startup of the Year

Honeit takes home the prestigious title of “Recruitment Startup of the Year” at HR.com’s EmpowerHR and EmpowerDEIB event this week in Phoenix. The HR.com event brought together Talent Acquisition leaders, HR professionals, and DEIB experts from...
Search Phone Interviews and Submit Candidates in Seconds

Search Phone Interviews and Submit Candidates in Seconds

Now it’s easy to search phone interviews and submit candidates in seconds. Honeit.ai automatically transcribes, parses and indexes a valuable new data layer from phone, voip and video calls to search, share and analyze. Recruiters and Sourcers can finally search...
Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Overview: Soundbites, or quick highlights from a conversation with a candidate, could be the future of recruiting. When done right, they will save hiring managers both time and money. So, what does “doing it right” look like? If you’re a hiring manager, and you’re...
What questions should recruiters ask hiring managers during intake calls?

What questions should recruiters ask hiring managers during intake calls?

The power of questions If you’ve been reading business journalism for even a few weeks, you know that people love to write articles about the importance of asking good questions. This is not how people at the top of businesses tend to think — they want answers...
How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Hiring

How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Hiring

The modern moment We don’t need to belabor the point that this summer was a very fraught time for race relations, both globally and in the United States. We’re not here to be political, so we’ll put that part of it all aside, but the protests and rallies and...