Case Study – The ROI of Interview Collaboration

Case Study – The ROI of Interview Collaboration

Introduction Organizations continuously seek ways to streamline the interview process, reduce costs, and make smarter hiring decisions. One approach that has proven effective is transitioning from a traditional linear interview process to a collaborative interview...
Recruiter Productivity and Time Savings

Recruiter Productivity and Time Savings

Recruiter productivity and hiring manager time savings are remarkable when recruiters automate low-value tasks like scheduling, note-taking, and candidate write-ups and share interview data for instant collaboration with hiring teams. The talent acquisition function...
Record-Breaking Revenue with Robin Walters at Rogue Recruitment

Record-Breaking Revenue with Robin Walters at Rogue Recruitment

In this episode of the Honeit Talks Podcast, we speak with Robin Walters, Founder of Rogue Recruitment. Robin recently had a record-breaking month in recruiting revenue and placement fees, all while prioritizing family life, as a mother of two under two. How did she...
Building Inclusivity into Interviewing – Case Study

Building Inclusivity into Interviewing – Case Study

Dr. Laura Brunner spoke with Honeit customer Andres Traslavina about how he builds inclusivity and fairness into the executive recruiting, candidate screening and interview process at Whole Foods Market. Andres Traslavina is the Head of Executive Recruiting at Whole...
Talent Acquisition Case Study

Talent Acquisition Case Study

The Background: Stephen Owens is the VP of Talent Acquisition and Planning at a multi-million dollar, insurance company.  As with any Talent Acquisition leader, Stephen was looking to manage costs and create awesome long-term relationships between his people and...
Recruiter Training Case Study

Recruiter Training Case Study

Key Results Using Honeit, PeopleLift recruiter training was so successful the company trained remote recruiters to make placements in less than 30 days. Let’s say that again: PeopleLift hired and trained a remote team of recent college graduates to be up and...