
The rise of Artificial Intelligence and the emergence of AI-powered job seekers are changing how companies can screen, filter, and asses talent. In many cases, keyword matching is no longer helpful when ai-generated resumes match ai-generated job descriptions. While AI can streamline the recruitment process by handling data-heavy tasks like resume screening and initial assessments, there remains an irreplaceable component that AI cannot fully replicate.

Nuanced human conversations and the in-depth evaluation of a candidate’s soft skills, personality, motivations, and interests. For HR and recruiting professionals, understanding the importance of these human elements is crucial to not only finding the right candidate but also in fostering a workplace culture that thrives on more than just technical skills.


The Limitations of AI in Assessing Human Qualities

AI tools are exceptionally good at processing quantitative data and assist with keyword matching for specific hard skill requirements. However, soft skills such as teamwork, communication, adaptability, empathy, and leadership are more nuanced and context-dependent, varying greatly in their expression from one situation to another. AI, at least in the near term, struggles to grasp these subtleties. As a result, recruiters, talent acquisition partners, and HR professionals need to incorporate strategies that allow these human qualities to shine during the sourcing, screening, interviewing, and hiring process.


The Role of Human Conversations in Recruitment

One of the most significant advantages human recruiters have over AI is the ability to conduct meaningful conversations. An insightful dialogue can reveal much about a candidate’s communication style, problem-solving approach, and ability to engage with complex, unstructured issues. These interactions also offer a glimpse into a candidate’s ability to articulate thoughts, respond to feedback, and interact within a team—all critical elements that contribute to a candidate’s potential success within the company.

Incorporating open-ended questions and situational judgments in interviews can encourage candidates to demonstrate their thought processes and interpersonal skills. This not only assesses their ability to perform the job but also how they would fit within the team and corporate culture. With new tools, we can share these complex answers and human insights with multiple stakeholders for real-time interview collaboration (in a fraction of the time and cost of back to back to back interviews).


Evaluating Personality and Enthusiasm

Personality and enthusiasm are deeply personal attributes that can significantly influence a candidate’s success in a role. While a resume might highlight a candidate’s achievements and qualifications, face-to-face interactions often reveal their passion, energy, and genuine interest in the position. HR professionals should look for signs of enthusiasm, such as a candidate’s willingness to learn, curiosity about the company, and excitement about the role’s challenges.

Moreover, evaluating a candidate’s personality involves understanding their compatibility with the company’s values and culture. Are they a team player? Do they exhibit empathy and emotional intelligence? These qualities can often predict long-term success more accurately than proficiency in technical skills.


“Soft skills are the new hard skills in the age of AI”

Soft Skills as a Competitive Edge

In a world increasingly driven by technology, soft skills can provide a significant competitive edge. These skills enable employees to manage relationships, communicate effectively, and adapt in fast-changing environments—capabilities that are crucial as workplaces become more dynamic and interconnected. Soft skills also commonly lead to promotions when candidates become employees.

For HR and recruiting professionals, emphasizing soft skills in the hiring process not only helps in selecting candidates who are more likely to succeed but also in building a resilient and adaptable workforce. It’s about creating a team that not only excels in individual competencies but also collaborates effectively and adapts to unforeseen challenges.


Honeit’s Contribution to Human-Centric Recruitment

In addressing the dilemma of evaluating soft skills and personal attributes during the recruitment process, Honeit offers a unique solution that preserves the human touch. By recording interviews, Honeit captures the essence of candidates as they express themselves in their own voice, providing a platform for authentic interactions. This approach not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the candidate’s communication style and problem-solving abilities but also allows recruiters to revisit and share these critical moments with decision-makers. This ensures that the nuanced aspects of a candidate’s personality and potential fit within the team are not lost in translation, thereby enhancing the decision-making process with richer, more personal insights that go beyond what resumes and AI assessments can provide.



The Takeaway

While AI continues to reshape many aspects of recruitment, the value of human interaction in the hiring process remains paramount. HR professionals must balance the efficiency of AI tools with the irreplaceable insights gained from personal interactions. By focusing on a candidate’s soft skills, communication abilities, and personality, recruiters can make more informed decisions that contribute to the long-term success of both the candidate and the organization.

With tools like Honeit, which captures the essence of candidates through recorded interviews, HR professionals can ensure that the crucial human elements of voice and personal expression are not overlooked. This integration of technology and human skills does not replace personal interaction but rather enhances it, providing a fuller picture of each candidate’s capabilities and fit. 

Try Honeit today and see how it can transform your recruitment process by bringing the human touch to the forefront.