Building Inclusivity into Interviewing – Case Study

Building Inclusivity into Interviewing – Case Study

Dr. Laura Brunner spoke with Honeit customer Andres Traslavina about how he builds inclusivity and fairness into the executive recruiting, candidate screening and interview process at Whole Foods Market. Andres Traslavina is the Head of Executive Recruiting at Whole...
How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Hiring

How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Hiring

The modern moment We don’t need to belabor the point that this summer was a very fraught time for race relations, both globally and in the United States. We’re not here to be political, so we’ll put that part of it all aside, but the protests and rallies and...
Bias in Video Interviews: We Need to Discuss This

Bias in Video Interviews: We Need to Discuss This

There’s a reason we don’t put photos on resumes in the USA. Before we get into discussing bias in video interviews, we need to quickly frame up the two core types of video interviews, as sometimes very different experiences get lumped together under “video...