by Honeit Software | Sep 29, 2023 | candidate experience, candidate screening, HRTech, interview intelligence, recruiter enablement, recruiter experience, recruiter productivity, recruiting automation, recruitment process automation
Are you tired of sifting through a sea of resumes, playing phone tag with candidates, and waiting endlessly for hiring team consensus? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone. The world of recruiting can be a daunting one, but fear not! We’ve...
by Honeit Software | Sep 18, 2023 | call insights, candidate experience, candidate screening, compliance, diversity, diversity and inclusion, interview strategy, recruiter enablement, recruiter productivity, talent acquisition
Introduction Watch our 15-minute LinkedIn Live to see the 4 Simple Steps below in action. In today’s competitive job market, finding the right talent is more critical than ever. However, the process of candidate screening has often been plagued by bias,...
by Honeit Software | Sep 13, 2023 | Executive Recruiter, Executive Search, global recruitment, interview collaboration, interview communication, recruiter communication, recruiter enablement, recruiter experience, recruiter intelligence, recruiter productivity, Recruiter Splits, recruiter training, recruiting, recruiting automation, recruiting communication, recruitment
Introduction Recruitment is an intricate dance where the synchrony of skills and opportunities culminate in finding the perfect candidate for a role. However, the path to placements isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, one recruiter might have the...
by Honeit Software | Aug 23, 2023 | candidate marketing, candidate presentations, candidate submittals, collaboration, conversation intelligence, interview collaboration, recruiter communication, recruiter enablement, recruiter experience, recruiter intelligence, recruiting communication
In the dynamic world of recruitment, where the competition for top talent is fierce, innovative strategies are essential to stand out. Among these strategies, Honeit MPC candidate presentations have emerged as a powerful tool for Most Placeable Candidate (MPC)...
by Honeit Software | Aug 3, 2023 | corporate recruiting, Honeit Talks, hr podcast, human resources, recruiter enablement, recruiter experience, recruiter podcast, recruiter productivity, Recruiter Spotlight, recruiting, talent acquisition
In this Honeit Podcast, we speak with Chengeer Lee, Principal Talent Acquisition Partner at Caseware in Toronto, Canada. Chengeer is also a leadership coach and truth seeker at heart. Chengeer helps job seekers find purpose and provides career advice and guidance on...
by Honeit Software | Jul 22, 2023 | call guides, call insights, call recording, call scheduling, call transcription, phone calls, phone interviews, phone screen, recruiter communication, recruiter enablement, recruiter experience, recruiter intelligence, recruiter productivity, talent acquisition, telephone interviews, voicefirst, voip, voip interviews
Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, communication has undergone a significant transformation. The way we connect and interact with others has evolved beyond traditional telephone calls, thanks to the advent of technology. In this article, we’ll...