Four Ways Honeit Advocates for Candidates

Four Ways Honeit Advocates for Candidates

At Honeit, we love to talk to recruiters about how our product helps them streamline their processes. The value of its automated scheduling, candidate summaries and highlights is readily apparent. What doesn’t get mentioned often enough however, is the Honeit...
Recruiter Enablement with Craig Fisher

Recruiter Enablement with Craig Fisher

Recruiter enablement and productivity is off-the-charts when recruiters focus on talking to people – and automate everything else. Listen to recruitment experts Craig Fisher and Honeit.ai CEO Nick Livingston discuss recruiter enablement and ways to improve the...
Honeit Case Study – Recruiter Onboarding and Training

Honeit Case Study – Recruiter Onboarding and Training

Key Results Using Honeit, PeopleLift recruiter training was so successful the company trained remote recruiters to make placements in less than 30 days. Let’s say that again: PeopleLift hired and trained a remote team of recent college graduates to be up and...