Honeit Case Study – Recruiter Onboarding and Training

Honeit Case Study – Recruiter Onboarding and Training

Key Results Using Honeit, PeopleLift recruiter training was so successful the company trained remote recruiters to make placements in less than 30 days. Let’s say that again: PeopleLift hired and trained a remote team of recent college graduates to be up and...
Honeit Talks with Donnie Gupton

Honeit Talks with Donnie Gupton

Nick Livingston had the chance to speak with recruitment marketing guru Donnie Gupton. Donnie manages the Lead Mastery Group for Recruiting Agencies and Executive Search Firms on Facebook. Donnie and Nick dive deep on how sourcers, recruiters and hiring managers share...
Amplify Recruiter Phone Screens

Amplify Recruiter Phone Screens

Amplify Recruiter phone screens for better recruiting and higher quality hiring. Honeit was recently featured on the Jeff Weidner Video Podcast. Jeff has held leadership roles at IBM, Monster.com and HTC. Jeff says “Initial Candidate phone screens are one of the...