Honeit Featured on the TA Tech Unboxed Podcast

Honeit Featured on the TA Tech Unboxed Podcast

  Why this episode is a must-listen: We’re thrilled to announce that Honeit was recently featured on the TA Tech Unboxed podcast with Darren Bush and Chris Haslam. Honeit CEO Nick Livingston discussed the importance of candidate screening and making sure...
Unlocking Time with Recruitment Automation

Unlocking Time with Recruitment Automation

In recruitment, time is a commodity in high demand but seemingly in short supply. Recruiters often find themselves buried under a mountain of administrative tasks – from scheduling to typing up endless notes and write-ups. However, imagine a world where these...
How to Streamline the Four S’s in Recruitment

How to Streamline the Four S’s in Recruitment

Recruitment is a puzzle consisting of multiple critical steps: Sourcing, Scheduling, Screening, and Submissions. Optimizing each step ensures that recruitment firms, RPO teams, and talent acquisition organizations have a competitive advantage in attracting,...
Comprehensive Screening: How Recruiters Deliver More Value to Hiring Teams

Comprehensive Screening: How Recruiters Deliver More Value to Hiring Teams

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, the process of hiring the right talent has become increasingly complex and competitive. Traditional recruitment methods are being scrutinized for their efficiency and effectiveness, giving rise to innovative solutions...
Transform Screening and Candidate Submissions

Transform Screening and Candidate Submissions

  Tedious Steps in Candidate Screening: Candidate screening is the most important activity for recruiters and talent partners to go from a stack of resumes to a short list of qualified candidates. Screening in the right talent and screening out unqualified...
Raising the Talent Bar on RPO Services

Raising the Talent Bar on RPO Services

The New Benchmark for External Recruiting and RPO Services It’s time we acknowledge a game-changing shift in talent acquisition: not all Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and external recruiting teams are built the same. This article sheds light on those...