

Organizations continuously seek ways to streamline the interview process, reduce costs, and make smarter hiring decisions. One approach that has proven effective is transitioning from a traditional linear interview process to a collaborative interview model. This case study explores how Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law organization, leverages interview collaboration using Honeit, significantly reducing the time and costs associated with hiring while improving the quality and efficiency of their recruitment efforts.


Interview Collaboration - Honeit ROI



Challenge: Linear Interview Process

Like many organizations, Earthjustice faced challenges with the traditional linear interview process, particularly in their legal recruiting efforts. In this model, each candidate would sequentially meet with multiple stakeholders, including recruiters, attorneys, and managing partners. This approach often resulted in:

  • High Costs: Each attorney and partner’s time is valuable, with billable rates averaging $400 per hour. In a typical interview scenario involving 5-6 attorneys, the costs quickly escalated, not to mention the opportunity cost of pulling legal staff away from client work.
  • Scheduling and Availability: Scheduling multiple interviews across stakeholders created a logistical challenge, often dragging the hiring process over weeks or even months.
  • Redundancy: Each interviewer would cover similar ground, leading to repetitive questions and candidate fatigue without necessarily providing new insights into the candidate’s fit or capabilities.

This traditional process strained resources and prolonged the hiring timeline, impacting Earthjustice’s ability to fill critical roles quickly and effectively.


Solution: Interview Collaboration

Earthjustice adopted a collaborative interview model utilizing Honeit, a platform that allows recruiters to conduct comprehensive initial interviews and capture key moments as soundbites. These soundbites, along with interview highlights, are then shared with the interview stakeholders, enabling them to review candidate responses without conducting separate, full-length interviews themselves.

Below, Carmela French (Legal Recruiter) and Rianna White (Recruiting Operations Manager) share their experience using Honeit for real-time interview collaboration to give time back to the business, simplify the interview process, and accelerate offers to the best and brightest legal minds. Below is a clip where Carmela outlines the incredible time savings. You can also watch the full podcast here.

mission-driven recruiting with earthjustice



Key Features of the Interview Collaboration Model:

  • Centralized Screening: Recruiters conduct an in-depth interview that includes technical, behavioral, and competency-based questions.
  • Interview Intelligence Sharing: Critical moments and key insights from the interview are recorded as soundbites and shared with the hiring team.
  • Streamlined Stakeholder Involvement: Instead of attending full interviews, stakeholders review the interview highlights, allowing them to make informed decisions with minimal time commitment.


Quantifying the ROI: Cost and Time Savings

The impact of moving to a collaborative interview model has been significant:

  • Reduced Billable Hours: The Talent Acquisition (TA) team can now share relevant interview highlights with all stakeholders by conducting comprehensive first-round interviews. Instead of each attorney spending an hour in an interview, they can review key insights in minutes. This approach reduces attorneys’ total time on each candidate, dramatically cutting the cost from potentially $2,400 (6 attorneys x $400/hour) to just a fraction of that amount.
  • Faster Hiring Decisions: The collaborative model significantly shortens the decision-making timeline. With key decision-makers able to review candidate insights asynchronously, the time to hire is reduced from months to weeks, accelerating Earthjustice’s ability to onboard talent and keep pace with the organization’s growing needs.
  • Improved Candidate Experience: Candidates are spared the redundancy of answering the same questions multiple times, leading to a more streamlined and engaging interview process. This enhances Earthjustice’s employer brand and attracts top-tier talent motivated by a mission-driven organization.


Analysis: Collaborative vs. Linear Interview Model

Aspect Linear Interview Model Collaborative Interview Model
Time Per Interviewer 1 hour per interviewer 5-10 minutes per stakeholder
Total Cost (6 Interviewers) $2,400 per candidate $400 per candidate (one comprehensive interview)
Scheduling Complexity High, with multiple stakeholders Low, as only one interview needs scheduling
Candidate Experience Redundant, prolonged Streamlined, efficient
Hiring Timeline Weeks to months Days to weeks
Decision Quality Variable, with fragmented feedback Consistent, with shared insights


Strategic Benefits of Interview Collaboration

  • Enhanced Interview Intelligence: The collaborative approach empowers the TA team to gather deeper insights, ask more probing questions, and deliver a comprehensive overview of the candidate, rather than fragmented impressions from multiple interviews.
  • Resource Optimization: By reducing the number of interview hours required from high-value staff, Earthjustice can reallocate those hours to client work or other critical tasks, enhancing overall organizational productivity.
  • Empowered Talent Acquisition Teams: Earthjustice recruiters are now positioned as strategic partners, providing value by delivering high-quality, actionable insights directly to hiring decision-makers.
  • Consistency and Compliance: With a centralized and structured interview conducted by skilled recruiters, Earthjustice ensures a consistent and compliant interview process that aligns with best practices and organizational values.


The Takeaway

Earthjustice’s shift from a traditional linear interview process to a collaborative model using Honeit has demonstrated clear ROI through cost savings, improved efficiency, and a superior candidate experience. This approach reduces the financial burden associated with lengthy interview processes and positions the TA team as a critical driver of value and efficiency within the organization. By embracing interview collaboration, Earthjustice is better equipped to attract, evaluate, and hire top talent aligned with their mission to be a good lawyer for the Earth. This case study exemplifies the tangible benefits of interview collaboration and offers a scalable model for other organizations seeking to optimize their hiring processes and improve their recruitment outcomes.

Get Started

Experience the power of interview collaboration with interactive candidate presentations and audible job insights. Start a 21-day free trial or schedule a demo today to remove weeks from your hiring process!