

Mission-Driven Recruiting at Earthjustice

In this Honeit podcast, Nick Livingston from Honeit interviews Carmela French and Rianna White from Earthjustice, a nonprofit organization that offers legal representation to protect the environment. The conversation explores Earthjustice’s unique mission-driven recruiting strategies, including how they source and hire talent driven by a passion for environmental and social justice. Carmela, a legal recruiter, and Rianna, a senior recruiter and operations manager, share their non-traditional paths into recruitment, emphasizing the importance of mission alignment in attracting top talent.

Carmela and Rianna discuss Earthjustice’s tailored recruitment approach, emphasizing community connections, emotional intelligence, and cultural competency. The organization uses tools like Honeit to streamline the hiring process, reduce interview steps, and improve candidate experience without sacrificing the human touch. They highlight the balance between maintaining a personal connection with candidates and integrating efficient tools and processes, including limited use of AI to enhance but not replace human decision-making in recruitment.

Honeit Podcast Highlights

The key themes from the podcast with Carmela French and Rianna White from Earthjustice revolve around the following:

  • Mission-Driven Recruiting: Earthjustice’s unique mission of providing legal representation to protect the environment attracts talent passionate about social and environmental justice. The organization emphasizes finding candidates who have the technical skills required for the roles and align with their mission-driven and values, often drawing talent from public interest spaces like civil rights, immigration, and housing law.
  • Holistic and Human-Centric Hiring: Earthjustice prioritizes a holistic hiring approach that values emotional intelligence, cultural competency, and a personal connection to the organization’s mission. They focus on maintaining a human touch throughout the recruitment process, ensuring that candidates feel respected and valued, regardless of the volume or level of the positions being filled.
  • Tailored and Strategic Sourcing: The organization customizes its sourcing strategies for each role, leveraging its strong brand reputation in the environmental sector. It uses both inbound and outbound approaches, including leveraging employee networks, attending industry events, and reaching out through platforms like LinkedIn. It also tailors its sourcing efforts to attract candidates with niche expertise relevant to specific roles.
  • Process Optimization with Technology: Earthjustice integrates tools like Honeit to enhance efficiency in the screening and interviewing process while maintaining a personal touch. Honeit allows recruiters to record and share interview snippets and reference calls, providing hiring managers with more in-depth insights without adding to their workload. This approach reduces interview steps, saves time, and accelerates hiring decisions.
  • Balancing Automation and Human Interaction: While Earthjustice incorporates technology to streamline certain aspects of the recruitment process, they are cautious about over-relying on AI, particularly for decision-making. They ensure that key decisions remain human-driven to preserve the quality and integrity of their hiring practices, reflecting their conservative approach to automation, especially given their work’s legal and confidential nature.
  • Growth and Development: Earthjustice invests in building the future of environmental litigation through programs like its associate attorney program and law clerkships. These initiatives provide structured training and development for early-career attorneys, aligning with the organization’s goal of nurturing the next generation of environmental lawyers.


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