Honeit is the only interview platform designed specifically for Recruiters and Talent partners. After a recruiter phone screen, automatically export interview transcripts, questions, answers, tags, notes and highlights to Lever in seconds.
Honeit turns recruiter phone screens into candidate previews, and turns client intake calls into job previews.
Honeit Features
- Phone, VoIP & Video Calls
- Call Scheduling
- Call Recording
- Call Transcription
- Call Highlights
- Call Search
- Candidate Previews
- Job Previews
Honeit Benefits
- Enjoy Your Calls
- No Typing Notes
- No Typing Summaries
- Present Talent in Seconds
- Delight Hiring Managers
In these modern times, recruiters prefer to conduct interviews remotely. If you’re using a generalized conferencing software, then you’re likely using the wrong tool for the job. Honeit is specifically built for recruiters with tools specialized for our profession. For example, the ability to easily submit candidates to hiring managers with highlight audio clips, transcripts and candidate data can be done in seconds. Share and collaborate interviews with your team members. Our RPO feature allows you to brand emails, scheduling links, and submitting tailored to each of your clients.