
Timing is Everything in Talent Acquisition:

Timing is everything, especially in recruiting, the science of being a good recruiter — the science and the art, really — is about maximizing a recruiter’s time and saving hiring managers time.

Honeit accelerates 6 key steps in the recruiting and talent acquisition process.

  • Time to Source
  • Time to Schedule
  • Time to Screen
  • Talk Time
  • Time to Submit
  • Time to Review

Time to Source:

After an intake call with a Hiring Manager, share Honeit Job Previews to increase response rates and attract passive candidates. Top talent wants to meet the hiring manager sooner in the recruiting process. Honeit Job Previews are an easy way to ensure everyone aligned in the hiring process (sourcers, recruiters, HR, interview panelists, executive stakeholders, etc.) understand the role, directly from the source.

Time to Schedule:

This can be utterly painful and have a tremendous amount of back-and-forth, especially with candidates who are already in high-stakes roles and sometimes get pulled into work last-second. 

We try to reduce this to two seconds — yes, two seconds — with automated call scheduling that removes the back and forth. Remember: automation is good, but to a point. Automating top of funnel activities is better than automating the conversational portions of recruiting. Those should actually never be automated.

Time to Screen:

This is how long it takes to complete a phone screen after first contact. Sometimes this can honestly get out to 7-10 days. We aim to do this within 24 hours within the HoneIt suite. It doesn’t work for every candidate, no, but you can drastically reduce time to screen. 

Talk Time:

A standard initial phone screen is set for 30 minutes, but a chunk of that 30 minutes tends to be small talk and logistics and, honestly, sometimes useless garbage that barely helps the recruiter and will make the hiring manager groan if he/she ever listens to the full call. So, what we do in this space is two-fold: (1) we help recruiters focus more on the actual conversation because they know it’s being recorded and the answers can be sorted, so they don’t have to pay as much attention to their notes, and (2) we can help cut the 30 minute calls to 15-20 minute calls with structured interview guides as well.

Time to Submit:

After a phone screen, create Honeit Candidate Previews in seconds. This is the area of the most drastic time savings, probably. Oftentimes, if recruiters have to type up notes or contextualize notes or (God forbid) put them in a specific format that the hiring manager demands (we’ve all seen this), it can take 2-3 days to submit a candidate, and in those 72 hours, they might get a better offer or get moved on by a competitor. No bueno. With HoneIt, you can knock the submit time down to about 10 seconds, with a single link where specific answers are sorted for the hiring manager.

Time to Review (Hiring Manager):

Hiring managers no doubt get busy, but if you send them notes from a call (often low-context) or a recording of the call with no sorting (common too), that’s a minimum 30-minute review process, if not longer, per candidate. You can shave that down to about 5 minutes per candidate using HoneIt, because hiring managers can jump to the specific questions they care most about, etc. Everything is in one place and intuitive. 

Try the ROI Calculator

The embedded ROI calculator below helps you see how much time and money can be saved from using Honeit to schedule calls, phone screen candidates and submit candidate summaries to hiring managers.

This model is simplistic by design and doesn’t take into account various other actors and additional steps that enter the process, such as account managers, corporate recruiters, interview panels and executive stakeholders. We’re building out a more robust one for the future, but this will give you a base-level idea of how much time and money you might save across recruiters and hiring managers by using our solution.

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