Recruiter Podcast, Raine Lunke, R2R Strategic Recruiting

Recruiter Podcast, Raine Lunke, R2R Strategic Recruiting

Raine Lunke (pronounced rainy) is a talent acquisition leader with 15+ years’ experience as a strategic member of corporate executive leadership, HR, Sales and Technical Staffing teams. Her passion for recruiting is fueled by building teams, strategy, programs and...
Recruiter Spotlight – Alex Trufin, TruRecruit

Recruiter Spotlight – Alex Trufin, TruRecruit

Alex Trufin, former Best Buy GM turned Executive Recruiter, joins us today to discuss his journey as a founder and scaling his Executive Search business during COVID. Alex quadrupled revenue during his first year in executive search. Alex is a Husband, Father,...
What is High-Touch Talent Acquisition

What is High-Touch Talent Acquisition

First: what is “high-touch?” Typically you hear the term high-touch associated with luxury hotels, boutique service, etc. The concept actually has a Wikipedia, which defines the term as businesses with a “very close relationship with customers.” However, very few...
The Shift to Recruiter Engagement and Human Conversations Post-COVID

The Shift to Recruiter Engagement and Human Conversations Post-COVID

The #WorkTrends Podcast Tim Visconti, the CEO of PeopleLift, and Tim David, the COO of the same company, appeared on Meghan Biro’s #WorkTrends Recruiting Today Show recently. We are big fans of both Tims, and Visconti once said publicly that Honeit Software helps...