
Simple Integration

As Recruiters and HR Tech buyers for 15 years, we know how important it is to reduce clicks and play nice with existing systems. We built the Honeit interview platform from the ground up to complement your existing HR Technology stack and finally bring phone interview conversations ‘online’. Just paste a Honeit interview scheduling link in your ATS, CRM or Email template for simple integration.

Simplify Hiring with Recruiter Sound-Bites

Simplify Hiring with Recruiter Sound-Bites

Recruiter soundbites are quick hits from a recruiter phone screen — 2 to 4 minutes — that the hiring manager and other stakeholders can hear between meetings, on the treadmill, whatever.

Honeit Featured on Recruiting Trailblazers Podcast

Honeit Featured on Recruiting Trailblazers Podcast

Honeit CEO Nick Livingston was recently featured on the Recruiting Trailblazers podcast. Nick had the chance to talk with Marcus Edwardes about interview soundbites and the future of recruiting and hiring.

Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Soundbites are the Future of Hiring

Soundbites, or quick highlights from a phone or video conversation with a candidate, could be the future of recruiting. When done right, they will save hiring managers both time and money. So, what does “doing it right” look like?

How to Clone Your Best Recruiters

How to Clone Your Best Recruiters

How do you train junior recruiters and clone your best recruiters? Recruiting works according to Pareto: 80% of output is from 20% of people.

Why Hiring Managers Love Honeit

Why Hiring Managers Love Honeit

Hiring managers have a huge role in recruiting. But when we talk about recruiting or HR technology, we tend to focus on the candidate and the recruiter. What do hiring managers want?

Greenhouse Integration

Greenhouse Integration

Honeit turns phone, voip and video calls into talent insights. Check out our Greenhouse ATS & CRM integration.